Monday, March 30, 2015

Protect your body with good Computer Ergonomics

Many people spend numerous hours a day in front of a computer without thinking about the impact it can have on their bodies. They physically stress their bodies daily without realizing it by extending their wrists, slouching, sitting without foot support and straining to look at poorly placed monitors.

These practices can lead to repetitive stress injuries and cumulative trauma disorders. Symptoms can include pain, muscle fatigue, loss of sensation, tingling and reduced performance.

Good desk ergonomics can reduce strain, fatigue and injuries by keeping you in a comfortable, relaxed posture.

Whether you use a desktop computer in an office, or a portable computer in an alternative setting, you make choices that can either improve or decrease your performance and comfort. By thoughtfully reviewing the layout of your workplace and your equipment, we are often able to identify what is wrong and begin to develop improvements to make computer use more rewarding and less physically demanding. 

After reviewing your work area, can you honestly say that this is the most functional, comfortable, safest and logical way to set up the area? 

If not, you should arrange your workstation: every time you work, take time to adjust workstations that aren't quite right in order to minimize awkward and frequency performed movements. 

View a full list of computer ergonomics tips compiled by University of Michigan  

Apple also has a great microsite dedicated to computer ergonomics